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// Life & Style Magazine

Life & Style – Spring / Summer 2021 (Issue 26)

What a joy to be welcoming spring flowers and summer sunshine after these long and challenging winter months! Life is full of hope and ‘looking forward’ as we learn to live life a little differently but, hopefully, joyfully.

This new issue of Life & Style is full of fascinating stories of your innovative initiatives that have kept you busy during the lockdown months. I was particularly interested to read how some of you have initiated group activities – socially distanced of course – where you have become really creative. Read about the Knitting Club at Parish Court and Lockdown Letters at Balcon Court. It is heart-warming to learn how residents have supported each other when none of us could go out socialising.

In this issue you will find a new feature – Extra Special Celebrations – as we have two 100th birthdays and a marriage to celebrate! You will be inspired to read the stories of our centenarians Eileen Webster and Maude Tolley and I know you will love reading how Trevor Jarvis and fellow resident Jean Jelves fell in love and how wedding bells soon followed!

There are more deliciously healthy recipes for you to try and this issue’s exercises concentrate on our hips and thighs to help you stay strong and mobile. Never has there been a time when we should be more conscious of our health and wellbeing by eating well and keeping active. In addition, you will be able to workout with me and my selection of filmed mini-exercises, which you can watch here.

As we look forward to the warmer months ahead and more normal life returning, please keep the letters and photographs flowing as we love hearing what you are all doing.

With all good wishes,


Click to read the new Life & Style Issue 26